Saturday, January 9, 2010

Account Earning High Interest Savings How Many Years Will It Take To Double Money In An Account Earning Compound Interest At A Rate Of 6% Per Year?

How many years will it take to double money in an account earning compound interest at a rate of 6% per year? - account earning high interest savings

We have never discussed in the compound of the class and it is a bonus question, so I appreciate the idea.

If someone would use the formula and method of calculation is more than happy to try to work, but we need to show our work and I do not know how.

It's just a bonus question ...

Thank you!


Lux et Veritas et Veritas said...

2x = 1.06 * x ^ y (x is the original amount in mind and the number of years, is an exponent)

^ 2 = 1.06 and

log y 2 = 1.06 * log

Y = 11.89

A: 11.89 years (or 12 if the answer has to be in completed years)

Jay (Ja-ja-ja-j UNIT!!) said...

I think the answer is 11.89 years, when compounded annually.

I can not really show how, as I did in Excel, but on the value and future value calculations based on today.

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